Bruh, Id love a girl who was hot, into kink and also mentally stable. I swear its a mythical Trinity. I met a girl who liked the idea of wearing a strap on but she wasnt very attractive and the most pleasure I got out of our brief relationship was fcking her shower jelly.
Well within the past couple of months iv noticed by sex drive has dropped from a raging 19 year old that would take on 20 guys to get to a women to something lower. I thought it must just be puberty finally wearing off, but come to think of it now i only recently started taking fish oil. (2 Tabs 3x a day)
andrew tate aka the p e d o phile and human sex trafficking. sex with minors can be legal its called age of consent so depending on which state yblonde teen sexou live in it could be 16 or 17 thats it 08-24-2024, 10:38 PM #6